Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Hope Dixie Doesn't Die. . .

My poor sweet Dixie.  I feel just awful.  Dixie is very sick and I didn't realize it.  I'm hoping it's not too late.  I brought her in the house on Sunday to give her a bath to see if I could find out what was wrong.  Her symptoms:

  • She is very bloated in her abdominal region.
  • She had diarrhea (consisting of clear liquid, green and white)
  • She waddles like a penguin.  I didn't know that it was because of being so bloated. This has been going on for several weeks (the wattling).
  • She began to get a droopy tail on Friday.
  • Saturday, she was unable to go up the ramp to the coop and had to be helped.  Sunday morning she needed help getting down the ramp in the morning.
  • Her chest seem emaciated, but she does not seem underweight, in fact is very heavy when I hold her.
  • She is not laying eggs, but I'm sure she's not egg bound, because she'd surely be dead by now. 
What I've done, and am currently doing: 
Sunday I gave her a bath and made the discovery that she was so incredibly bloated.  I also let her soak for a very long time in the warm water.
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Blow dried her as she struggled to stay awake during her relaxing spa treatment.
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Monday morning, I set up a brooder box for her and brought her into the house so I could nurse and monitor her.
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Yesterday, I fed her scrambled eggs made with oatmeal, organic whole milk, coconut oil, and garlic for breakfast.  She is eating and drinking.  The rest of the day yesterday, I was feeding her a mash consisting of Organic Chicken feed, mixed with organic plain yogurt.  This morning I fed her the yogurt mash thinking that the yogurt will help heal her gut.  Her water has Duramycin 10 (a broad spectrum antibiotic), I also gave her de-worming drops yesterday thinking that perhaps she may have a horrible case of worms?

Is there anything else that I can do for her?  Is there some insight that you may have for me?  Any guidance would be so greatly appreciated.


  1. Could she have an impaction? I know our girl Sassy had a big, squishy crop and it was a combination of sour crop and an impaction. Her crop will never be the same again, but I think I was able to remedy the sour crop and impaction. So sorry! This is always really hard!

    1. I don't know Jess. I don't think her crop is the issue. It's something in her lower abdomen (where she's bloated). I hope she either gets better, or goes quickly. I don't want her to suffer.

  2. Gosh, I had a BO who was bloated and I took her to the vet and they drained off a ton of fluid. She perked right up but cratered a few days later. We did this several times and finally concluded there was a bigger issue and put her down. I'm so sorry I can't offer more promising advice. I think you are doing the right things. Let's hope she just ate something that didn't agree w/ her and will perk right up with some love and affection.

    1. I'm praying for a positive change in her condition. So far, I'm not seeing one though.

  3. It sounds like it could be vent gleet or even coccidia. Could also be a combination so smart to treat for worms as well. The worms or other parasites can weaken the immune system until they succumb to a secondary problem such as coccidia. Keep up the garlic and probiotics to keep her immune system strong. The antibiotics should help knock down whatever it is. If you finish with the antibiotics and still she seems to be ailing, I would suggest Kocci Free (I buy it from amazon: http://astore.amazon.com/24laven-20/detail/B002MV9UDS.)
    Its a natural antibiotic that helps with coccidia. Good luck, I'm pulling for her!
    Fresh Eggs Daily

    1. Hi Lisa
      I looked up Vent Gleet, and she seems to have all of those symptoms. I'm going to continue giving her the yogurt, but I'm thinking I should take her off the antibiotic as that will worsen the yeast problem. Her appetite was very small today. I can see she is not doing well. Poor thing.

    2. So sorry Kelly, just read your last post. Your girls must be devastated. I agree that antibiotics often don't help because they kill good bacteria as well. Did the vet give a clear diagnosis?

    3. Actually Lisa, we have all taken it quite well. Dixie was clearly suffering, and it was truly a relief to have it end. We believe that we will one day see her again in heaven. She's up there happily free ranging (just like she got to do here), except she doesn't have to keep a watch for predators. The vet just said that she had a large blockage in her crop and her abdomen. I don't know what would have caused it, but Dixie did have an issue with her crop about a year or so ago. She brought us a lot of joy, and we have a bunch of happy memories that she left us with. ✿◠‿◠

  4. Have you tried trolling the forums at Backyardchickens.com? There are a lot of experienced poultry people there that might have some suggestions. Hope Dixie pulls through. <3

    1. I actually put up a post on BYC. You're right, they are a great source.

  5. Lulu, my lame house chicken, had some of those symptoms earlier this year. We are far from a vet that knows anything about birds, but I finally got one on the phone and she suggested the warm baths plus gently use a finger cot and ky jelly and insert slightly into her vent. I had thought she might be starting to be eggbound because she lays very thin shelled eggs that are sometimes laid broken. After being blow dried, Lulu took several big poops and started getting better. I still don't know what was wrong but thankfully she is back to normal. Hope all goes well. My thoughts and prayers are with you as I know how stressful having a sickly chicken that is like a family member is. Take care.

    1. Thank you Joan. I am just hoping and praying that either she get well, or God take her in her sleep so she doesn't suffer. We are doing all we can to make her comfortable and feeling loved.

  6. So very sorry to hear about Dixie. I know you are giving her all the care and love possible. Hope she is much better very soon. Sending good thoughts your way. Specklesmom
