Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Woodland Friends. . .

I really love where we live.  We are surrounded by acres of woods and there is never a shortage of wildlife to enjoy.  Yesterday, I felt like I was literally surrounded by deer all morning.  It was so wonderful.  They are such sweet, graceful and beautiful animals.  I was literally standing 10 feet away while I took this picture.  Just look at his beautiful face. . .

He was looking directly at me as I stood motionless with my camera to my eye in front of my window.  Even though he could see me, my lack of movement likely made him view me as an inanimate object.  Soon he'll be regrowing the antlers he shed this winter.  I so badly wanted to pet his beautiful face and scratch him between the ears.

I never get tired of seeing the beautiful deer. . .

Even Caspian got in on the wildlife watching.  She poses no threat to them.

Aren't they pretty?  I especially love when I see our precious Henny Penny's free ranging with them.

Today, I saw some turkeys.  They are very cool as well.

And the Henny Penny's have even been known to hang out with them!
It's so fun living in the country!!

You know, I couldn't help but think that if I had quietly stepped outside with the deer or the turkeys, they would have fled in a heartbeat at the moment they saw me, but our pets will mingle harmoniously with them.  And then I remembered what God said said to Noah after the ark had settled and God made his Covenant with Noah.  Genesis 9:2 says "The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. "  I love when I can see God's word in my everyday life.  Don't you?

I just had to add these photos that I took today 3/28/13.  She's so pretty!


  1. Yes, I really enjoyed seeing your giant deer. They are much, much, bigger than our Texas deer!

    1. When you come to stay with us in August, you'll get to see plenty of them. I can't wait for your visit!!

  2. What a beautiful place to live! Thanks for reminding us of the joy of this amazing and wonderful world! Chickenmom

    1. Thank you Chickenmom. I grew up in the city, and living in the country has been quite a switch for me. We've been here now for almost 16 years, and there is no place that I'd rather be. I love raising my children here.

    2. Kelly
      What a Kodak moment! Loved seeing your pictures of God's creatures. Such beautiful animals. When I was coming from school, and driving down a street that leads out to Mound Rd., a magnificent deer was standing in the middle of the road just staring at me. A few seconds later 5 more deer came hopping across the road. What a beautiful sight!
      Pat O'Brien

    3. Yes Pat. I know just what you are talking about. It's very exciting to see such an animal up so close. We have to be very careful where we live because they will often jump out from the sides of the road and seemingly appear from no where. And when one crosses the road, there are almost always more to follow. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Wait! The chicken "hang out" with the deer?! Amazing!

    1. Yes they do! Yesterday, the Henny Penny's were in the woods. I could see them through the window and a mama deer with her two babies from last year were foraging with the hens, and then one of them laid down right in the midst of the 6 hens! It was adorable!!
