Friday, March 15, 2013

What's in an eggshell??

Well apparently a LOT!  While making breakfast for Tara and Madeline earlier this week, something, well, different caught my eye.  One of our Henny Penny's lays very light colored eggs.  I never really thought much about it, that was until this week.  Here is what her "cracked" shell looks like next to one of her sisters eggs.

See how pale her egg is?  It has little brown speckles on the bottom as you can see.  Sometimes they aren't speckled, but this one was.   Now look here at the inside of her sister egg. . .

See how it's white in there?  Well, all brown egg laying chickens have white eggs, and the color is applied in the very last stage of egg travel before it's laid.  Which means that all brown eggs have white insides.  This is not true however for blue egg layers which lay eggs blue inside and out.  There is an actual science behind this, which is clearly explained here.  The article says " It takes about 26 hours for an egg to go from the ovary until it is laid. First the yolk is encircled with whites and membranes. Then this jelly-like mass goes into the shell gland, where it will spend about 20 hours while the shell is formed.

The shell is made up almost entirely of calcium carbonate, which is a white mineral. White eggs are white, through and through. But, during the last four to six hours in the shell gland, a brown egg-laying hen adds pigment to the mix. This is why the insides of brown eggs are white – the egg starts out white, and gradually becomes more colorful. In the last 90 minutes, the rate of shell formation slows, and the cuticle, a viscous, protein-rich fluid (also called the bloom) is added. (The cuticle is the first line of protection against bacterial infection in the egg.) This is also when the hen secretes most of the pigments into the shell."

So what do you think happened here??

How on earth did she get the color on the INSIDE??!!

And which of you girls is the amazing magician who performed this magic trick??!!


  1. Pretty cool! LOL Do you have 5 now? We're at 6 chickens and 2 ducks. We were planning to incubate, but our plans have changed.

    1. We have 6 now Jessy. We are at our limit. My coop won't hold more, and my husband is in no way going to build us a new or bigger coop. I'm very blessed to have our 6 and very grateful for them! Why did you change your plans to incubate?

  2. Explanation: She clucked abracadabra and then voila, the egg reversed its colors! ;^)

    1. That's probably exactly what she did Becca!

  3. Since we are talking about egg shells, did you know you can remineralize your teeth by pulverizing your pastured chicken egg shells and adding it to your toothpaste?

    1. No I didn't! That is very interesting. We will certainly do this!

    2. exactly how do you do that? How interesting? Especially because I work in a Dental Office as an assistant to the Dr. I am brand new your site...I will get my very first 7 chicks April 5th..Brooder just got finished..I am soooo exicited and very nervous also.. I got 1 australorp, 1 barred Roack, 1 tetra tint, 2 golden comets and 2 easter eggers.. hopefully all of you can give a alot of advice as needed. I will be using sand as bedding ( coarse construction sand) not sure what I should put in nesting boxes though.. I heard straw may contribute to mites..I live in upstate NY...sure am anxious for Spring!!!

    3. You are going to have so much fun with your babies!! It's easier than you think. It's not a difficult process at all. Just fun and joy!! I use straw in my nest boxes, but I recently found an article about using herbs as well. I'm definitely going to lay this on top of the straw this summer. I just love the idea. CLICK HERE to see. I have never had a problem with mites. I think the sand is the reason. I'm really happy for you!! Congratulations! Oh. . .and about the eggshells for your teeth: She said you just dip your toothbrush in the powder and brush the eggshell powder onto your teeth.

    4. just love your site...but please help!! I get my first chicks April 5th..I live in upstate NY...and after quite alot of reading I decided to go with sand..even in the I waas at my local hardware store and I got bags of what were called MEDIUM WASHED CONSTRUCTION GRADE SAND)....the brand name is SAKRETE... it also said on bag it can be used for animal bedding...and listed other things... but after i dumped it in was super dusty and did have different sizes of tiny stones...but when I touch it with my hand is all dirty/dusty..I am afraid I got the wrong sand and don't want to kill my new peole say not to get playground sand..and that you need coarse...there is a homeDepot here and a Lowes...I got this from Valu home center

  4. Love your girls! Found your site over at Backyard Chickens. <3

    1. I'm so glad you found me Ruthie! Welcome to my blog and please feel free to visit us any time!!
